Sunday, February 3, 2008

The word of the week

This segment will be present in this blog every week to introduce new Portuguese words for you. You will learn how to write and pronounce the words here. And you will also have some information about cultural aspects related to these words.

Since it is Carnival in Brazil right now, our first word in "the word of the week" segment is CARNAVAL. Click here to listen to the pronunciation.

In Brazil, CARNAVAL is celebrated all over the country. In Rio and São Paulo, people celebrate CARNAVAL with the "escolas de samba." In Salvador, CARNAVAL is celebrated with the "axé-music", played by the "trios elétricos". Recife is famous for its "frevo". If you never heard of "frevo", check Lenine, a very good composer and singer from Brazil, singing a frevo song in an event to celebrate 100 years of this fun Brazilian music style. Check it out:

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